[Accessibility] HaptoRender project update
11 years ago
Hello list members!

I would like to keep you informed about the HaptoRender Project.

It's about tactile maps for blind persons.

I have access to a 3D Printer now.

I am work on some simple CAD tasks to practice with the software.
For instance, I am designing items for boardgames that are usable for blind persons.

I started with some dice and a domino which have points like braille,
not like ordinary objects that have little holes.

I plan to put them on Thingiverse or Shapeways or any other online platform for 3D printing so anybody with a 3D printer or service user can have his own (as soon as they are finished).

Please share your ideas which games should be accessible.
I am also planning to create Scrabble with braille and colored latin capitals on it.
Whee, this is the first useful task for a dual color 3D printer here!
Hope we get it running.

The software for transformation from OSM data to 3D printer readable format is not finished yet.
We have a working prototype but decided to change file formats, so we have to redo it.

I am currently working on the style sheets that define how each map object will feel:
Will a street be embossed or imprinted in the map?
How will a bus stop be indicated?
How do we get street name labels on the streets?
Which texture should be on a river?
Should we include helicopter landing places?

We have to set up a shop system for orders.
This is not easy as there are no accessible shop systems, at least there is no shop system to bye or to rend that advertises accessibility as a feature!
Guess we can get rich not with maps but if we resell the shop system we have to build.

If you want a tactile map from your area, send your address to my mailbox lulu-ann at gmx.de.
You might not ever get a map, but I prefer to test the software with regions where somebody is interested.
Why waste time on the style sheet of intermittent rivers, if nobody ever wants a map near one...

In July we will show our results at Maker Faire Hannover, Germany.
You might want to visit us.

So far for now!
Let us hear about your projects!

Best Regards
